The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday...1 February 2014

Today was a hot and lively sort of day.
I grabbed hold of a live electrical switch. Kicked like a mule all the way up my right arm to my teeth! Not in a hurry to repeat the experience. Been quite some time since I got booted. I think I held it just that little bit longer out of sheer surprise that this was happening. It took a couple of seconds to register that I should remove my fingers from the switch. The interesting part was that I somehow managed to do all this without tripping the recently installed required safety switches! The boys tell me I must have held my two fingers in a certain way across the wires to have got zapped and that leaves a lot to the imagination. Who would deliberately give a live electrical wire the two finger salute? Oh well, I live to tell the tale and if all I have to complain about is a bitch of a headache and two tingly sore fingers I guess it is a good outcome. Mind you I did need a good lie down afterwards.
Himself did comment that this will probably give my old mate Ross River a bit of a hiding for a while. For those who do not know, folklore has it that zapping oneself, by whatever means available, has a positive effect on the aches and pains of this insidiously nasty virus. It helps to put the reoccurring aches and pains on hold for a while. It is just that no normally sane person will willingly wander down the paddock to hang onto the electric fence for a bit, and while sticking ones finger in a power socket does not get my personal recommendation, I found treatment by a tens machine to be beneficial. Another one of those instances where the cure is sometimes as bad as the disease!
The hot weather continues, no doubt it will ease off in due course.

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