The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday...4 September 2015

Yesterday we moved from Mandurah toward Esperance.
We ended up free camping on the side of the road about half way between Newdegate and Lake King. We had thought we might try the caravan park at Newdegate but wouldn't you know it, yesterday was Day 2 of the Newdegate field days.
As we travelled toward Newdegate from Wagin the oncoming traffic seemed unusually heavy for the area and we found out as we approached Newdegate that the annual field days were just ending for this year and all that traffic was visitors and exhibitors alike slowly making their way back home after the two day event. What a shame we missed it. When we lived up north we often saw the ads on television for this big event and here we were at last in the area and did not know it was on and missed it! Bother!!!
Anyway there did not seem to be much point in trying for a spot at the small local caravan park so we continued until we found ourselves a fairly large parking spot and that's where we chose to stop for the night. Middle of nowhere but once again, wouldn't you know it, as we took off this morning just a few metres down the road from us there were other campers who had done the same thing.  You are never truly alone in this great land of ours.
After a fairly pleasant drive of just on 300 km we arrived at our friends house in Esperance. How lovely to see them again. It has been just over two years since our last visit. I sit in my caravan in their back yard listening to one of their neighbours being very loud and reminding myself that it is Friday night and one needs to cut the noisy neighbour some slack so that he/she can enjoy their time off, when all I really want to do is find them and smash their noisy sound system into firewood as I am very tired from our travels and did not sleep well last night and was really looking forward to a good sleep tonight! Perhaps we will have better luck tomorrow night.......

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