The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday...29 June 2015

Bad weekend. Our internet died! 
Three days with nothing, then we finally found a Telstra shop who gave us a number to call Bigpond. What a joke, why bother having shops if the staff cannot help you. And why do we have to deal with faceless people who only want to sell us another modem rather than fix our problem. This one is two months old and was purchased outright at a Telstra store! If it needs replacing it should be under warranty.
Himself was on the phone, mobile of course, on the one call for over three and a half hours being shunted from pillar to post from technical support to billing then back to another technical support and still no joy.  We are now operating on a wireless modem that only works if we use a plug in cable and even that is hit and miss! 
Then they rang us back as we sat down to dinner and tried to put the entire mess on to us and that call ended with Himself asking for the phone numbers for Optus and the Ombudsman! After that he turned his phone off for the night and we will now wait until we reach a big town with a Telstra Business store and then we will see if the matter cannot be resolved. Utter frustration. We do not need this much grief in our lives right now, there is much more important things to use our time (and the internet) for. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

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