The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday...30 April 2015

It started raining last night, it has not stopped yet!
As people  will tell you, there is nothing quite like the sound of rain on a tin roof, but the sound of rain on a thin sheet of fibreglass on a caravan is not so soothing. One can hear every individual drop land, loudly, continuously, all night.
This too shall come to pass........(I hope).
Having a great time with the family.
Monday the daughter came to say welcome. Tuesday we planned to go out for dinner but could not get a booking at the chosen place so ended up having Chinese take away at our place with daughter and the two grand daughters. Wednesday we had dinner at the daughters house which was lovely and allowed us to finally catch up with the son in law and the grandson. They all lead such busy lives full of a good mix of work, school and sport but it is not often now that they are all home at the same time and even yesterday we only saw them all by staying still in the one place long enough!
Today I think we will go for a  wander around the local shopping centre, it will be warmer and so much brighter than the cold wet and miserable day visible out the window of the caravan!


  1. Hi Kate and Keith , have you got the leak fixed in living quarters?

  2. it is ok for now, I live with my fingers
