The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday...29 October 2014

So yesterday we went 50 km down the road to a town called Junee.

First up we went to the licorice factory. Great place. Very good guide who really knew her stuff and delivered it interspersed with liberal handouts of either licorice or chocolate samples. By the time we got done I am sure everyone had eaten more than the entry cost in free samples. All the licorice is organic. And the chocolate is Belgium, I even bought a packet of licorice tea, which I am yet to try but they say it helps with respiratory problems. Himself got some take home licorice and I got lucky in the gift shop, it also sells Crocs and had some nice new styles available.....lucky me!

After lunch at the local bakery we went to the Junee Roundhouse Railway Museum. This is still a working train service centre which in its heyday employed more than 300 workers. There are 42 bays. some of which are open to the public and the train turn table is still in use and we were lucky enough to see them turning a loco on it yesterday.

In the section open to the public, there is a variety of locomotives ranging from steam to diesel to modern electric, all of which can be walked in on or around to inspect. The rest of the bays have carriages of different eras from basic seating to first class sleepers.

Today we went 60 km west to Temora. We visited the Temora Aviation Museum. The big difference with this museum is that every plane actually flys. Himself had a nice time walking around the exhibits. We even survived sharing it with not one but two bus loads of school kids!

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