The scenery was rather nice. We passed through Tullamore, Tottenham and Nyngan on the way. On the road from Tottenham to Nyngan we saw a type of tumbling grass that was so thick it actually blocked our view of the bitumen road making passage through there rather eerie and odd.
Just out of Nyngan we passed a property letterbox that was shaped like an extremely tall Road Runner. Himself rather liked it but as it had been raining we could not stop on the side of the road to take a picture. Such a shame really, it was quite spectacular. The letterbox was about five metres tall and they had used a fifty litre farm drum as the body and that drum was the actual letter box. Some farmers just have way too much time on their hands!!
We are parked up in Bourke enjoying the warmer weather. After a brilliant bright red sunset we are now listening to gentle soft rain on the roof. Tomorrow is Himself's birthday and we are expecting a lovely warm 26 degrees.
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