The blurb I have says it is a 4.6km walk, what it also says is that the steps back up are quite steep!! Nobody bothered to mention that before we started walking, yeah I know, serves me right for not reading it before I agreed to go. The Kondalilla Falls walk descends to the valley below and up again. There is something to be said about hiking with energetic children who make a game of racing each other to various points on the circuit. There they are having heaps of fun and trailing along in the rear is their dear old nana, wondering if she will indeed make it back to the starting point or even if a rescue helicopter could land in the dense rain forest to winch me out of there and back to the nearest cemetary. The scenery was stunning, the company special. We had planned a second walk to another local point of interest, but ran out of daylight.
This was a polite way of saying nana is too knackered so we will cancel the next bit!!!
Instead, we came home and Steve joined us in our little house for dinner and we put up our tent and Cindy and the children camped out for the night right outside our carvan door so that they could access our kitchen and bathroom facilities.
After breakfast this morning they packed up and went home and we had a nice slow day just letting the muscles relax again......
Thank you everyone for taking time to be with us. Was a very special day and night.
I don't think the walk was Nana's biggest problem, check out where Jessie is sitting in the photo and you will know why Nana should have brought her ventolin :-)