The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday...29 October 2011

Blasted public holidays, long weekends etc!
The boys have been doing all sorts of stuff since our trip to Geraldton on Wednesday. They have knocked out an inbuilt brick bbq and replaced pavers and put up a tempory fence until they can fetch some more earth to fill in the hole where the bbq used to be. When they get done with that project you will not be able to even tell there had been bulky brick bbq built into the patio. It was blocking the view of the wonderful new backyard and its marvellous water feature so it simply had to go....!!
Then they started on a kitchen renovation in my caravan. Well it started as a simple vent cover over the exhaust from the rangehood that somehow dropped off somewhere down the road and morphed into a total kitchen unit rebuild.
Today they got up nice and early and headed off back down to Geraldton, (196kms each way) to buy a new stove that is actually a stove top and griller, no oven as we have one like that and do not use it. They were planning ot get a nice new rangehood to match the new stove too. But alas, when they got there they were greeted with a sign on the gate saying the place was closed for the entire three day weekend.
Now I am personally not too surprised, it is WA after all and we all know that WA stands for Wait Awhile!
Cannot believe that a caravan supply shop would be closed on a long weekend, after all if you are ever gonna need a caravan supply and repair shop would it not be on a bloody long weekend??
When do these people think that the average caravan owner is likely to breakdown? While they are parked in the shed between trips or during holidays or long weekends??? The logic defies reason.
So now I have a caravan with bits all over the place while we wait until the place opens on Monday and either go back down or take the chance and have them send the new bits up on a truck and hope like hell they get it right......(bet they don't!)
If and when they get the nice new stove etc then I will have a couple more drawers for fitting things into thus making life in my kitchen so much easier. Bring it on.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday...26 October 2011

Up early, (6.30am) for the trip to Geraldton. Two cars, two couples, one very small dog. Doggy went to puppy day care for the first time. Big occasion. I think our hostess was happy I told her about doggy day care. Not sure if puppy was! Dragged the lead going in.....
Anyway we did the medical test stuff which was the purpose of the trip, then went shopping. Naturally the boys headed for Bunnings. The girls did the Bunnings thing complete with coffee at the little shop next to the kids playground, then we walked down the road to She Bunnings, (without entering!) and went to the Better Pets store next door.  Couple of purchases latter we went and did a major grocery grab and after picking up the puppy we headed for home, down the road 1.5hours.
It rained off and on for most of the day then really bucketed down just as we were trying to load the groceries in the cars ready to come home. Of course we all got wet, some more than others.  On the way home the rain was so heavy at times that seeing the road become a misson and depended on how good your eyes were! When we got back to Kalbarri, wouldn't you know it, bright sunshine and blue skies and whales romping out in the the bay.......grrrrr!
Puppy was reluctant to leave day care, not sure yet if tired or scared of the smells in the reception area of the vets that day care is attached to. He has been quiet since we got home. Because he was so good he got some new toys so this could explain his tiredness.
Early night for everyone.
Tomorrow will be a big day planting the plants bought and building all sorts of stuff with assorted goodies purchased today.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday...24 October 2011

Its raining!
The garden project is mostly completed. The water feature is in place and operational, the plants have been bought and put in around the water feature and the bag of mulch, probably half a tonne, has been put in around the various plants and water features etc.Honestly they bought this huge bag of mulch that had to be delivered by a truck and came on a pallet and it still was not enough to completely mulch the entire back garden which consists of garden bed two sides of the back yard along the fence line. Meantime the newly planted lawn is starting to shoot so in the next week or so we will have a lovely new lawn to relace the desert that currently consumes the backyard after the removal of a huge tree and its highly invasive roots. Progress.
The boys are onto batch #2 in the shed and are very pleased with themselves as to the outcome of batch #1!!
The fridgee came today and plumbed in the air con for the hosts bedroom, all we need now is a sparkie to plug it in and make it work.
On Wednesday we are off to Geraldton on a day trip to buy a few bits and pieces.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday...22 October 2011

I know I have been slack!  Too busy being retired to work at the computer to write stuff most of you do not read
The water feature is up and gurgling, complete with assorted lighting. It looks amazing.
Today the host and hostess went to the local nursery and acquired several assorted palms and ground covers to plant around it. By the time they are done it will be as good as anything you have seen on the tv!
Should anyone get bored, there is a one tonne bag of mulch waiting to be spread around the garden and dug into the sandy soil to create a nice home for the new palms etc
The men built a special sand box for the dog. This particular breed are very very fond of digging, so rather than have it dig up the entire yard, it now has its very own sand pit for digging purposes. All we have to do is train it with treats to dig only in the you beaut new sand box built and designed specifically for this dog to dig!!!
Dinner tonight was was going to be steak and salad and ended up being toasted cheese slices. We began happy hour and somehow it just morphed into a minor little Saturday night party for four! When we did finally feel peckish it was way too late to bother with dinner so we had simple toasted cheese slices instead, YUMMY!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday...18 October 2011

The local council finally came around to collect the stuff on the verge. They  had a tip truck and a front end loader. We filled two tip trucks and then they came back with a tree muncher thingy and picked up the branches from the tree we cut down, that filled another tip truck! And they left behind the tree stump., apparently it was too big for their mulching machine!
The boys fitted a new stove and range hood to the second house and the pest man came and sprayed the yard, our caravans and drive way for all sorts of uninvited beasties. He put some ant killer in our van and they came from every where to partake of the poisonous feast. Makes one wonder just how many ants have been hitching a free ride with us! The hard part of the day was keeping the dog inside so that he did not lick the spray stuff until it dried.
The boys are constantly disappearing into the shed to check the bubble bubble toil and trouble that is brewing in the mash barrel. Apparently when it stops bubbling it is time to put it in the actual still and distil pure alcohol......Very exciting stuff, I beleive.
They spent the afternoon digging a trench in the backyard for the wiring for the water feature our hostess wants in the back corner of the yard.
Our hostess and myself spent the day beading off and on between meals. We created two rather nice necklaces between us.
Oh and it rained off and on all day!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday...17 October 2011

Happy Birthday Kim.
Yesterday we had the weirdest fog thing happening. It was still hanging around at 10am and floated past like smoke and was real misty, we could feel it on our skin. We went down to look at the ocean and river and could not see either of them for the fog.
The boys finished the shed project at last yesterday. Very pleased with themselves they are!
(It is a great shed for the car and caravan.)
Today the girls took the dog for a walk down to the beach lookout while the boys set up the hosts still!
His wife bought him a still kit as a gift. Now she no doubt thinks that one day he will make her some beer, but the boys can hardly wait for their first batch of hooch, or whatever it is you call pure alcohol, to be ready. They were measuring everything very very carefully. I gather they do not expect nor accept failure!!! I think it will be very interesting to see how this whole thing works.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday...15 October 2011

Drove a car today, first time in nearly a year! While we have been on the road, Himself does all the driving as I will not try to drive our huge rig. And even when we are unhitched I will not drive as I cannot judge the size of our ute for parking etc.
Today I drove a standard sized Toyota 4x4, easy as apple pie. Was not too sure of the length of it for parking purposes but was a lovely vehicle to drive. The hostess and I only went to the shops but it was a huge leap in our freedom. No more waiting until the men get through with their stuff before we can go to ths shop to make them all sorts of yummy dinners. Tonight we had chicken, beef and prawn kebabs with a potato dish that was tossed in lemon and rosemary. Scrumptous.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday...14 October 2011

Today was reasonably quiet. The  boys drilled a hole in the master bedroom wall to allow the completion of the installation of the split system ready for summer. All they need now is a fridgie and a sparkie and bingo, all will be done. They also completed the clean out of the not really little shed. More boxes have found their way to the verge for the council clean up. By now the entire town should be aware that this is the best place to go for bargains and wonderous chuck outs!!!
Then they put up some of yesterdays metal delivery by adding bits to the shed project. Right now they are attempting to set up a surround sound system, having received a replacement master control which arrived by courier today.
Earlier today the resident puppy went digging again.Attached is him disappearing down a muddly hole.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday...13 October 2011

There you go....the minature long haired daschund that belongs to the hosts. This is the little wonder that is taking so much time to entertain and is so entertaining when he begins digging yet another hole in  his backyard. Apparently these little dogs were originally bred to flush badgers out of their burrows/hides. They love to dig.
Today the boys settled for cleaning out the shed. Mind you as fast as they put it on the verge it vanished. Our host put some computer stuff including an old unwanted laptop out inside a box before lunch and it was gone by the time we ate our egg toastie!!! Overnight the set of seven white plastic patio chairs disappeared, they threw back the eighth as it was white but a different style! Someone pulled up and asked if we would mind if they took the old washing machine for spare parts and today the neighbours asked then took the blower/vac and some unwanted pots for plants. Gotta love a council clean up!!!!! Wonder what will disappear tonight???

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday...12 October 2011

So what did today bring?
Today we ripped out a Hills Hoist! It too now resides on the verge along with the rest of the unwanted things waiting for collection. The boys dug up the clothes line and cut it off way down deep in its hole with an electric tool. While they were at it they cut the pole we found that had been left by the last home owner when they removed their Hills hoist!
Then, while they were in the mood and winning they removed the brick chimney attached to the old BBQ in the backyard which is no longer used. Between the tree, the clothes line and the chimney they sure have improved the view in the backyard. There is much more sunlight in the yard and the yard seems to have grown overnight now that there is so much more usable space.
While we were at it we have cut off the overhanging branches from the tree next door that was scraping against the roof and keeping our hosts awake, and then we tidied up the side part of the house, taking away a couple of barrow loads of tree droppings. Them and some unwanted pots have also found their way to the verge. To top it all off a massive old tv was added to the pile out on the verge. There is nothing wrong with the tv but the owners have got a nice new slimline tv and no one not even charity want the big bulky one. So out it has gone!
Meantime we are waiting for a delivery of metal to complete the original shed project from last year. The list of things to be done is slowly but surely being whittled down! Those waiting for the shed stories will have to wait a bit longer!
The days are rushing past, will we get it all done????

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday...11 October 2011

Wow what a day! There is four very very tired people tonight.
The day began with putting unwanted stuff out on the verge ready for the big council pick-up next week. Then there was a discussion about a tree in the backyard.
It was one just like we had in our yard up north, and just like that one, it was preventing the lawn from growing due to its ability to block out the sun and the leaves that drop from it are extremely acidic and it wrecks the soil under and around the tree. So of course... IT HAD TO GO!
Himself got the job and armed with a set of steps and a saw, off he went. In very short time the yard was covered in tree branches which our hostess and myself set to removing to the verge. Meantime Himself swapped saw for axe and chopped up the bigger branches. He then dug up the humungus tap roots and cut them with the axe and then he and our host used a block and tackle to pull the main truck out of the ground. Then they used the chainsaw to chop up the trunk and more tree. Simple really.
The whole time this was happening the family puppy was locked in the house to prevent him escaping through the open backyard gates through which we were dragging tree branches to the verge.
When our hostess had raked up the mess and filled in the holes, the puppy was finally allowed out to explore the new backyard. He was a bit timid initially but soon got the courage to check it out and then he started digging in the soft soil around the old tree trunk area.
Once he started it was hilarious watching him, he looked like he intended to dig all the way to China. The hole got bigger and deeper by the minute. We had a hose running and he was picking that up in his little mouth and taking it to his hole and when it filled with water he would drag it somewhere else and go back to digging in his hole. He was covered in mud, wet to the bone and happy as a puppy could be digging in the yard. Yes Yes I know, pictures....when I remember to get the camera out of the car that has not been started since we pulled up here.
Yesterday the men went to Geraldton to do a spot of shopping for all those things that come under the heading of secret mens business in the hosts car as they needed to take the trailer too. They were gone all day and when they got back they were fairly tired. It is 150km each way.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring?????

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday...9 October 2011

Tonight I will tell you about the Killer Grasshoppers of Kalbarri!!!
The other day I was playing in the backyard with the previously mentioned long haired daschund belonging to mine hosts. I went a bit too close to one of the bushes in their garden and a massive grasshopper just as big as the ones we used to have up north, jumped out of the bush and landed on my head with the not unexpected screaming and yelling and face slapping and growling by me. I am not very happy when one of them lands on me, for a start the shock is massive and then there is the actual size of the awful things. They hurt when they hit! I put that experience down to myself invading its territory.
Now,  my host owns one of those ebook thingys and generously downloaded the lastest John Grisham novel for me (at a grand cost of A$10!). Bliss, I had a whole book to read by one of my favourite authors and in a format I am most taken with. So there I was sitting outside at the table on their patio enjoying the fresh air and sunshine of Kalbarri, reading my extremely engrossing book, when out of nowhere one of those massive grasshoppers flew at me and landed on my face!. It was so big it fitted from my forehead down to my mouth and had a leg on each of my cheeks. I, of course, screamed blue murder and proceeded with the time honored face slapping and dancing around yelling words like ewww, grrr, yukk.....etc. The damned beast eventually departed, to be blasted into the next world with help from the sole of my hostesses croc  There I sat muttering about how dare it scare me and goodness me, fancy it coming from nowhere and landing on my face. Next thing I know, I was dripping blood! The mean spirited beast bit me on the nose and drew blood and its legs scratched my cheek and also drew blood...NOT HAPPY JAN.
Sooooo.....warning Will Robinson....if you go out into the outdoors in Kalbarri at this time of the year beware the dreaded oversized locust type grasshoppers.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday...6 October 2011

Well I have been super lazy and very naughty taking so long to blog again.
No real excuse, we got to Kalbarri and I have been busy playing catch up with our hostess and her husband and meeting their new puppy. He is a miniature long haired dachshund who is not quite 6months old. An beautifully natured animal and fairly intelligent. He is on a learning curve as he was not acquired until he was already four months old.
Various people in the house take him for his walks in groups or individually, poor little thing has been quite tired lately, probably worn out from all his walkies. Those of us less fit creatures make do by playing chasy games and tug a war with various toys to contribute to the fitness and of this very sweet animal. Pics will eventually be posted, but I keep forgetting to get our camera out of the car!
Tonight we entertained our hostess's niece and her family with a Weber leg of lamb with all the usual roast vegetables and gravy. Extremely yummy! No scraps on any plates or left overs for the puppy.
Once again the two men have been busy with a list of jobs around the place, which will include the completion of the previous shed project from our last visit. Unfortunately the host has been unable to finish the job as his back packed it in on return from his own caravan trip, during which they went up the coast to Darwin then down the Centre to Pt Augusta then over the Nullabor back to Esperance and into Perth, finally making it back to Kalbarri about a month ago.