The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday...30 September 2011

So yesterday I forgot to mention that when Himself went fishing he spent the first hour and a half out on the water watching a group of whales play, about 50m from the boat. There was a mother and newborn calf and a junvenile possibly last years baby and another two adult whales in this little pod and they romped and played happily for some time then the mother whale swam off and the others followed her.
Today we were up early and got away from Carnarvon by 9am which meant we were able to reach Kalbarri (480kms) by mid afternoon. We stopped at a free camp on the side of the road for lunch then pushed on to Kalbarri. It was a long exhausting drive.
So lovely to arrive and see our friends again. They always seem pleased to see us! We have spent the afternoon/evening playing catch up and will no doubt do lots more chatting in the days to come.
Along the way today we were very taken with the variety and abundance of wildflowers visible at the edge of the highway. All sorts of plants from woody bushes to tiny individual blooms and so many colors. Australia is stunning during wildflower season.
We saw grevillias, banksias, heath type bushes. Some looked like the famous Geraldton Wax, and the colors ranged from white and some silver grasses to stunning  reds and yellows and some blues and orange and purple and hot hot pink to the yellow of wattles and the deep yellows of banksias. It did not seem to matter where you looked it was one big carpet for miles of color and shape. Simply stunning.
As I sit writing this I can hear the surf crashing onto the beach, what a beautiful noise........

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday...29 September 2011

Last day in Carnarvon. Tomorrow we move onward to Kalbarri or as close to as our day allows.
This morning one of the permanent residents of this caravan park invited Himself to go fishing on his ex-crayfish boat. They went 0.6 nautical miles off shore near the town jetty and this is what Himself bought home. It was caught on the turning tide.

It is a Mulloway, Kingfish, Dhufish, depends on what state you live in as to what it is called.
Length was 1050mm, you guess the weight!.
He also caught a 12ft Tiger shark and a 6ft Hammerhead and a 3ft Black Tip, all were released as too active to reel in!
He had himself a reel-ly good time. Most pleased with Himself. Best fish he has ever caught. We looked back at his big charter boat catch from Exmouth last year and it looks like a sardine compared to this one.
Tonight we are going out for dinner with the wonderful folk in the farm next door. Looking forward to that, they are nice people. Himself will miss his daily walks over the fence to see what is happening.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday...25 September 2011

Sitting in the caravan park watching the activity around me. People make fascinating creatures to watch. Only two models but so many varieties!
There are the early morning risers who are up and have all their days chores done before 7am. Mum has been to the laundry and has taken most of the space on the communal washing lines. Dad is washing the car and putting water all over other peoples sites even though the park has rules on the washing of vehicles. Other early risers are up and packed and on the road by 7am. I often wonder to myself what time this lot knock off for the day. Are they the ones we see checking into caravan parks at 8am? Or do they drive all day and only stop when they run out of light and the fear factor kicks in regards the local native wildlife putting dents in their much loved brand new 4x4?
Then there are the sleepy heads who never surface until the park is nearly empty from the days departures. They sit in their camp relaxing, reading the paper and drinking coffee. I think I know which ones have the right idea......
Watching as people pack up their camp on departure day can be interesting. Some have a set routine and go about it quietly and confidently. Others rattle and bang and double up on each others jobs and get in quite a lather. They all head off down the road happily enough although I have seen some very tightly crossed arms and thin lip lines!!!
The last van to be put beside us had three blue heelers! They left yesterday and many around them heaved a sigh of relief. They were noisy dogs and wanted to tear a leg off anyone who passed that van. The owners idea of being in control of their animals at all times was to chain them to the car and yell at them from inside the comfort of the van when they were barking. It is people like that who make it so much harder for anyone else travelling with pets.
The sky today is a dirty grey blue black..... Will it rain?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday...22 September 2011

Still sitting in Carnarvon enjoying the weather. Gonna stay a bit longer. Too cold down south to go that way and too lazy to turn around and go back up north!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday...18 September 2011

Still in Carnarvon. Doing lots of nothing. Weather has been glorious, but having said that, today it is blowing a gale. Our little caravan is rocking in the wind and we have had discussion on the merits of buying a underskirt for our van which would prevent wind coming under it into the sitting/patio area.
Owing to the angle of the setting sun here in Carnarvon, Himself will be visiting the local swag maker to find out if we can have a sunblock made at a reasonable price tomorrow.Weather has been generally very good but today was cool and windy and we are hoping it was a one off, otherwise we may have to consider moving north again towards Exmouth or Coral Bay! Just when we thought we had found paradise!!!! Mind you it is much nicer here than in Broome where it had begun to warm up big time. Our last few days there was 36c. Here it is around 28c and cool overnight making sleep a definate instead of a maybe.
We were given some zucchinis yesterday by the bloke who market gardens the paddock next to our caravan park,  so I have spent the last two days making zucchini slice to freeze. Yummy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday...14 September 2011

So yesterday we left Point Samson and detoured to Karratha to sign some papers, then it was out on the road again. We travelled via Nanutarra to Barradale where we parked up for the night in the free camp along with only 15 other vans. Usually there would be heaps but it is now the end of the season and only a  few stragglers are left to return to base down south or make the mad dash up over the top back to Qld before it becomes way too hot up north to make travel bearable!
While we were there Himself went for a walk, as he often does and discovered a truckie broken down at the entrance to our free camp area. It was a Mack truck! This is important as Himself would not put himself out for just any old  This one had a lovely yellow (CAT) engine in it so was worthy of inspection by our Hero of the North West. He checked it out then came back to camp to ask me where I kept the assortment of corks I have accumulated from much dedicated wine drinking along the way. With two champagne corks in hand he went back and fixed the broken truck and astounded the driver/owner. The truckie suggested that Himself would make a good mechanic, leaving Himself laughing as he explained he already was a diesel truck catapillar mechanic.  He fixed it with one cork and gave the owner the other as a spare!!!! Now that is roadside service........
Today we left Barradale and travelled south to Carnarvon. Along the way we had to slow down for an entire family of emus to cross the road. Mum, Dad and five chicks. Cute really.
We also saw a bloke pushing a barrow northward. One way to get fit I suppose. Usually we pass at least one young asian male push bike rider. Today we passed a bike rider but he was greyer than either of us and looked Australian..
The other thing we noticed today was the proliferation of wildflowers along the road. Lots of Sturts Desert Pea and native grevillias and some lovely pink ground cover type flowers. Also heaps of white clumps of a grass type flower.
We are in the Wintersun caravan park in Carnarvon and are thinking of staying at least a week. We will see how things go tonite and tomorrow and make a decision then. To the right of us we have a blue heeler, to the left of us we have a rotty! Today was 28 and tomorrow is gonna be 29. It is supposed to drop to around 9 overnight so sleeping should be no problem. If all is as expected we will stay longer.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday...12 September 2011

Up early to go the 40kms into Karratha this morning for Himself's 9am appointment! While he did that I scouted around and found a hairdresser with a vacant appointment for today, go me.
So I got my hair cut, ultra short of course (lasts longer between cuts and makes it less urgent to find a salon in unfamiliar territory) and he got the tax office sorted. Life is good.
We did lunch at Maccas and got some groceries ready to hit the road again tomorrow. Carnarvon here we come........
We will free camp tomorrow night, probably at Barradale as Carnarvon is a big haul and I see no reason to push that hard that far.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday...10 September 2011

Oh Oh St Kilda just bombed out of the finals..........
Meantime we packed up and moved this morning from Roebourne to Point Samson! A Whole 19 Kms down the road but light years in actual reality. We have checked into the you beaut new caravan park called The Cove, only been here a couple of years, charge like a wounded bull but ever so nice. Ocean views.

The view

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday...8 September 2011

Well we have had a massive day.
We left Broome on Tuesday morning and travelled to Pardoo Roadhouse and parked for two nights. Was nice to be back and it is still very surprising to see so much grass in the middle of nowhere. Sadly like most things the price has gone up dramatically. Hardly worth the current price when you have to put up with the sound of the generator 24/7!!
This morning we set out super early thanks to the wind that has been belting the north west for the last three days and while it took a rest overnight it returned literally with a bang at 4.30am this morning waking us with the banging it made when it arrived in our little caravan park. We left Pardoo before 8.00am and headed towards Port Hedland. 20kms from Hedland we hit an official police road block. Us and about 300 of our nearest and closest friends in cars, trucks and caravans spent more than 5 hours parked up on the side of Highway 1 waiting for a massive bushfire with a front of about 15 kilometres to cross the highway and burn its way to Port Hedland! They had to evacuate at least one aboriginal community and there was a mine in its path too as we saw the mine equipment being used to help fight the fire.

Once the police deemed it safe we were escorted through the fire by them and a fire truck, very smoky and a bit scary as there was still flames visible beside the road, however we were all more than ready to be on our way and as far from that little show as possible.

It was later than expected but we decided to head for Roebourne and stay here a couple of days while we catch up to our planned booking in Point Samson.
We had planned to stay in or around Port Hedland but it was going to be bedlam there when the convey behind us of waiting vehicles which stretched back down the road about 4kms arrived and started pulling into the various servos or shopping centres to get fuel and food. I handed out water bottles to some in the waiting queue as they had run out and were planning to top up when they got to Hedland and of course it was a bit warm out there with no shade and a roaring fire to help keep every one nice and toasty on an already warm day.
So here we are in downtown Roebourne.  Weather is relatively mild as I type this but will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday...4 September 2011

Fathers Day.

Still in Broome. Still not doing a lot.
Went to the Courthouse Markets this morning. Been there, done that. Nothing I needed.
Last nights Speedway was cancelled, not enough competitors!
The Shinju Matsuri (Festival of the Pearl) is normally held early to mid August. So far this year it hasn't even started. We are wondering if they are trying to take it back to Broome people only, as we are the last tourist van left in our caravan park and by the look of the numbers around town the other six parks are just as empty, so there is no one left to go to all the events they hold except the locals. It is not making sense.  We finally got to be here when it should be on and will still miss it. Will not be attempting to see it again. Am over it now.
We are definately leaving here on Tuesday, heading further south. We will stop off at Pardoo (no phone or internet reception) for a couple of days then on to Point Samson for a few days so that we can pop in to Karratha and do our tax for this year.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday...1 September 2011

Still in Broome, still doing heaps of nothing. So relaxed we have extended our time here until next week. Missed the Opera Under the Stars last weekend, not enough time to get tickets and get organised, bit of a shame I suppose. Opera is not my thing but it surely would have been worth a look at such a different type of entertainment.
Yesterdays camp visitor was a stumpy tail, one of those lizards that look the same at the head and foot ends. It has a burrow under the tree of a site near us.
Tomorrow night is speedway. Cannot miss it, the track is right next door to the Caravan park, we heard some of the bikes practising today and had dust for afternoon tea!!! Will probably wander in and take a look.
Not sure but I think this weekend is also grand final time in the local footy.....might be interesting if we can find it.
Weather is still nice and warm, but we are apparently having some seriously heavy fog early in the mornings. Thought we were having really light showers but according to BOM it is heavy fog. Weird!
Pity it isn't killing the midgies that are biting and marking me top to toe. Life is becoming one big scratch and of course not a single bite on Himself. They are so fine they are getting inside and feasting on me in my sleep as well as making being outside a misery. Not a single mosquito anywhere just these tiny tiny specks of dust that bite. Mongrels.