The Journey Continues...

The Journey Continues...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday...31 January 2011

Massive day. Up ultra early, well for me anyway and off to Benalla for lunch with the old folk. They seemed pleased to see me, maybe they think the day will come when I go away and not return......
Had a super visit. They seem the same to me, but with blurred edges.  Making perfect sense but I can see the physical changes that age brings. Would have been nice to stay longer but one day I hope to return and spend some serious time with them.
Then we came home and as today was 41c we went to a neighbours place and jumped into the inground pool with a glass in hand and had happy hour while the sun went down. Lovely people, salt of the earth, give you the shirt of their back type folk, so very very nice.
Now home and about to have a late dinner of cold chook and salad with homemade chippees.
Does it get any better???
Back to Horsham tomorrow.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday...30 January 2011

Late night, early morning. Well it seemed that way to me after sitting up half the night chatting to my sister. Today I drove around the corner for a quick cuppa with BB (my big brother) and family. I am of the opinion that people should have to take a test to be allowed to drive a caravan on the road.  We (they) laughed at my narrative of the journey so far.
Home to Sis's place for lunch then off again to meet another of her friends....the one with the pool!!! 41C today. Bit warm.
Quiet afternoon at home chatting, gossiping and generally catching up, with the cricket in the background on the TV.
Dinner and the consumption of some rather pleasant wine about to begin and maybe a drive in the cool of the evening when the change we are promised arrives.
Another warmish day again tomorrow so intend to visit older folk who have an airconditioner. Love them but love their air con more!!!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday...29 January 2011

Big day. Got up at a reasonable time, thought I was home alone, having heard various vehicles leave the property. Began some beading repairs as promised to child of the moment, mid way through the same child appeared to say she was home and going to accommpany the men of the house to Warnambool to watch the Australia Sprint Car Championships. What to do? Stay home alone chatting to to the puppy dogs? No she had a better idea, why not have mummy borrow the second car, an automatic ford falcon and go visit aunty????
Sooooooo guess where I am my happy followers?
Four hour drive and I am buggered as I have not driven anywhere for nearly twelve months, but here I am merrily sipping wine at auntys place. No doubt tomorrow will come all too soon and be accommpanied by a thumping headache but still it is nice to be here. We had a cuppa when I arrived, and a chat and eventually a glass or two of wine,  then we went to the local hosgti  pub, friendly lot, got lots of hello hugs from old friends from way way back.......
Dinner was going to be chicken steaks but ended up being fish and chips from the local take away. We are now watching videos of the grand old opry from forever ago. Memory lane people, this is the music I know ALL the words to!!!
Tomorrow is catch up day, maybe morning tea with the brother around the corner, and afternoon tea with the niece from down the road a bit and lots of chatting and cups of tea.
Monday could be a quick visit to Benalla to see the 'olds'. Anyone there who has the time should call me and maybe we can do lunch.......I am very good at doing lunch, I have been practicing.....
Then it will be back to Horsham on Tuesday, Kim needs her car back for work on Wednesday.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday...28 January 2011

Spent the day in town window shopping and walking around. We started in the main street checking out the various boutiques and not so boutique chain stores with a quick side trip to the post office to donate to their profits.
Time out for lunch at yet another pleasant and very popular eatery. They have a lovely concept. All the tables have the white damask tableclothes which in turn are covered with white card type paper and right there in the middle of the table next to the salt and  pepper is a container full of ......CRAYONS.
Children of all ages are encouraged to draw on the 'tablecloth' which keeps them amused and sitting at the table without the running amok you often see at the more popular cafes. A clever and inovative idea. When each group leave they can take their 'tabletop' with them or leave it to be binned by the cheerful staff who replace it with a fresh piece for the next setting. Many groups lunch here and it is popular for birthdays and work farewells as each person can write a personal message for the guest of honor on the table.
We then went into the local mall and began a dedicated zig zag pattern from store to store, which of course left us thirsty and hungry so it was back to the lunch cafe for a pot of tea and toblerone cheesecake!
Home in time to cook dinner for the returning workforce.
Tomorrow may be stay at  home day, perhaps a little housework and washing, but then again maybe.........

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday...27 January 2011

Another early start, this time for the hairdresser followed by the beauty parlour to have our nails done. Kim got gel nails and they look great. I just had a buff and polish and I have already chipped them!!! Some people have more money than sense. I even managed to smudge the gel nails I had years ago between the salon and the car. After the beauty parlour we did lunch again, different location but once again good food and speedy happy service. This town could grow on me.
With the nails already ruined it took the stress out of cooking tea.  Did Chow Mein, not much chopping in that one. Still not well, it tasted like cardboard to me, but the rest ate it and came back for seconds so either they were starving or it was reasonably ok.
Just had a few hundred unwelcome birds descend on our trees. Corellas! They were sent packing by the MOTH, with a loud metal stick that discharges small pieces of lead!!!!!  Seems to have worked for now. Perhaps they have gone to regroup and return............

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesdsay...26 January 2011

Australia Day!!
Not a lot happening. Not feeling the best. Quiet day at home resting in bed.
Kims turn to cook tea and guess cheating today.
We had chicken roll thingys from the butcher with mashed spud, honey carrots and peas. Very nice.
No dessert though!!!!! (Last night I cooked self saucing chocolate pudding).
Early night tonight, big day again tomorrow being pampered and doing lunch.
My turn for tea tomorrow, could be pizza night, won't want to mess the new nail polish.............
How do I get pizza without being a cheat????

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday...25 January 2011

Up early today to go back into Centrelink to return yesterdays paperwork.
We are getting better at this, we were there today before the doors opened and were first in queue, a position I was prepared to defend vigorously if necessary. First in, first served. Beautiful!!
From there it was on to the Beauty Parlour where Kim and I had facials. It was Kims first facial and she did enjoy the experience. Would definately recommend this salon and staff to anyone and everyone. Beautifully relaxing decor, sounds, smells etc and wonderful therapists. One of the best facials I have had. They do things like head and foot massages as a normal part of the experience, not an added extra. Most relaxing. We followed this up with a girls lunch at another well run business with good service, efficient and happy staff and good food. AND......
We get to do it all again on Thursday. Eyebrows, manicures and Gel nails. And of course, lunch.
You know I am starting to get the hang of this retired life!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday...24 January 2011

Went to bed nice and early, slept like a log until 3am. Eventually went back to sleep and woke again at 7am. Did the bulk of the washing, cooked a batch of home made choc chip muffins.....Cursed the clothes drier that creased my washing, rewashed the same washing and hung it on the clothes line, Lunch. 
Then went into town to do a small grocery grab. 
First up was a trip to Centrelink and let me tell you people if you have to spend any amount of time dealing with this wacked out institution I give you 100% of my heartfelt sympathy.
What a degrading inhumane place that is!!!!!!!
Spent 30 minutes standing in line, no take a number and wait your turn in a chair, no you just get in the queue which is out the door onto the footpath and wait while the oxygen theives who inhabit this den of desolation chat to each other and take yet another tea/lunch/toilet/smoko  break before tag teaming each out to answer one enquiry then go missing for another hour before tagging in again and doing another enquiry. I personally counted four customer service personnel actually serving and eight others sitting at their desk chatting to each other or shuffling paper from one in tray to another. All this time us and a few hundred of our closest aquaintances stand in line, this included pregnant mums and old old people with mobility issues just standing constantly without relief in line, bloody disgusting. No water fountains, no seats, lots of parking meters that need feeding, (do you take the fine or give up your place in line to go feed the meter????) and then when you finally get to go "face to face" all they want to do is tell you how to file your needs or complaints online......if the average jobless person could afford the internet they would not be in the line in the first place you pack of dumbass wasted space morons.......
Then I went into the supermarket, something I needed was on special but I could not see the price as the display was so high it was covering the cost sign......
Not my day was it???
Came home and had a couple of wines, this did not fix all the days issues, but now I simply do not care.
Tomorrow Kim and I go for facials, one will hope this is calming and relaxing. Lunch to follow.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday...23 January 2011

Happy birthday to Keiths sister, Helen.
Nice quiet day at home today, everyone was getting over the road trip. Did a bit of washing, cooked some sausage rolls, played a few games.  Even the animals are a bit flat today, (no I did not run over them)!!!
Woke up this morning and thought, bloody heck, now I got smoke. Turned out it was not smoke but, are you ready for this one people, middle of January and we had a FOG! Could not see more than fifty metres in any direction, weird, it sure spooked me.
We still have water lying around in the back paddock and the one beside the house. Wonder how long it will take to evaporate. Sooner rather than later please as those mozzies love the new breeding grounds and have upped the steroid consumption. A good day is less than 20 bites between caravan and house first thing each day. My toes and arms and legs are looking lumpy. Already had two bouts of Ross River Virus in WA, am wondering how long before I get #3!!!!!! We are burning all sorts of anti mozzie things and wearing copious amounts of didyahaveagoodweegend?..........And still they feast, but only on selected persons. Those of us with tasty blood.
No point in being negative is there. At least the mozzies are eating well..........

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday...22 January 2011

Slept like a baby, which is just as well as the immediate neighbours at our motel this morning in Mt Gambier were the selfish type. 6.50am there they are outside our room banging muddy boots on the brick wall to get them clean to wear again today!!! If I had some boots I would have thrown them at them.....
Oh well, an early start to the day is good....yes?
Breakfast at Maccas, (not done that in years), then onto Bunnings for the obligatory couple of hours. We bought some batteries, the others got a hose and a bucket!
Did manage to resist the Saturday morning sasuage sizzle at the front door though.
After that we went to look at  the famous Blue Lake. Stunning.
Blue Lake at Mt Gambier
Then we went to Pt Mcdonnell  and saw........ a lighthouse

Pt Mcdonnell Lighthouse
Very very windy at Pt Mcdonnell. We also saw the site of the original lighthouse there.
From Pt Mcdonnell we made our way to Portland along a road that mostly ran beside the coastline. Different and pretty.
When we got to Portland we had lunch at a lovely little bar/cafe near the water. Great food and good service.
Then we went down to the boat ramps as there used to be a big seal and some stingrays hanging around but all we saw was a small seal and a couple of shags fishing in the shallows and waiting to see if any fishermen threw them the offcuts when cleaning their catch.
From there we went out to Cape Nelson and saw ....... a lighthouse.
We also saw lots of generator windmills.
 Was a great couple of days and our thanks to the tour guides. Hope they had fun too!
Cape Nelson Lighthouse

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday...21 January 2011

So today we all got up nice and early and set off on a mystery road trip.
We went to Robe in SA then onto Mt Gambier where we are staying overnight tonight.
Robe is a pretty little seaside town south east of Adelaide. They have a fishing fleet and lots of holiday makers. Very busy little town. Bit windy but still pretty. We went to Long Beach which reminded me of Cable beach with the clean sand and the water is green and clean. Was my first time to actually drive along a beach, not that we went very far but seems everyone just drives along the actual beach to get where they want to be on the beach. I walked into the water so can say I have paddled in SA water! The boys had a grand time swimming in the breakers.
Lunch was fish and chips sitting at tables outside the fish shop in the main street. Yummy!
After that we drove on to Mt Gambier via a little place called Beachport.
I could live there. Less people, less facilities but the same pretty beaches and green clean ocean. I believe it is the Southern Ocean. Beachport reminds me of Busselton 20 years ago, so I predict the same growth. Eventually people will notice it.
Mt Gambier is famous for its Blue Lake which we plan to see tomorrow before setting off towards home (Horsham) via Portland.
Bonus day for Matt. Two lighthouses. One in Robe and one in Beachport. Wonder if I will find one in Portland????
Went out to dinner tonight at a Fasta Pasta place. Food was wonderful, very filling.  Was a very popular place, noisy and happy.

Robe Lighthouse

Beachport Lighthouse

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday...20 January 2011

Hmmmm, quiet day mostly at home.
Short trip to town via the long way around the water for a grocery grab.
Daughters turn to cook tonight and it was a lovely piece of roast beef cooked on a spit. Beautiful people, beautiful, succulent and juicy and cooked to perfection. BUT, she cheated. Her hubby was in charge of the spit, so technically, he cooked tea!! She claimed credit as she did the roast vegetables that accompanied the meat, and loaded the dishwasher after dinner. Much discussion on what constitutes "your turn to cook tea"...
Plans to take a road trip to Robe, Mt Gambier, Portland. Might be fun. Two familys, two cars. Two teenagers. Two days.......stay tuned my faithful followers. There may be much to tell soon!!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday...19 January 2011

Even earlier start to today then yesterday, in fact I did not even get to go to bed.
Son-in-law picked last night to get a kidney stone stuck in the wrong place in the wee (pardon the pun!) small hours. He of course in bulk  pain and not very happy with the world. Daughter called ambulance.
Two problems: Water everywhere, we are cut off from town, and the 000 ambulance service for this area is located hundreds of miles away in Geelong.
We have dealt with the 000 ambulance service previously in NSW and let me tell you people if you are in a rural location, your chance of an ambulance arriving is minimal. In NSW the operator kept asking us which suburb of Sydney did we live in. Seems they fail to recognise rural locations on their computer systems. Took half an hour on the phone to get them to eventually send an ambulance. That time the patient was having a heart attack! She survived, but did need a lot of help to do so.
This time they sent the ambulance to another area of the district with a similar sounding name, which was inaccessable due to flooding so the ambulance simply went back to the hospital and waited. Three phone calls and a "chat" between the 000 operator and the patient who had to give directions between bouts of pain and vomitting, eventually got them to realise that there was a way to reach this patient.
In the finish, both patient and father-in-law got into our high 4x4 and headed into town, eventually meeting up with the ambulance on the other side of the water about half way to town.
Painfully long night had by all. Son-in-law was admitted for pain relief and tests.
Today was spent waiting for test results and working at keeping the water out of the yard here at home. Keith had to build a couple of small levee bits and to break others in selected areas to assist with the flow of flood waters away from our place. Gumboots and shovels........
Good news:  the patient has been discharged from the hospital and is resting comfortably at home. Lets hope for his sake its a nice quiet night tonight. I for one am looking forward to a full nights sleep and I am sure most of the rest of our group are of a similar mind.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday...18 January 2011

Ok, so you did not cross your fingers did you?
Went to bed at 1.30am, all was dry. At 4.30am the son-in-law woke us by banging loudly on the door of our caravan to say that the shed next to us was full of water and guess who was gonna be next? Yep by 6.00am there was water under and around the caravan and we needed to head for drier land. The water was advancing at a reasonable rate. No way was the water deep enough to enter the Loftus Caravan of the Century but access was becoming limited. Of course when you need it most the battery in the camera was dead! The boys moved the valuable stuff in the sheds to higher benches etc (stuff like the MIG welder, good tools, etc). Son-in-law rang the bloke he works for to bring in an excavator and they built a small levee bank at the back of our property to divert the water. That seems to have done the trick. While we were waiting for that to arrive, we were sandbagging our own place, bit of a change after sandbagging the neighbours all day yesterday...
The water levels have lowered and I can access the van again but as I type this I can see the paddock behind the house (with the new levee bank in it) and it is still full of water.
Listening to the local radio, it would seem the town of Horsham,  that we are about 3km outside of, is split in two by the flooding of the Wimmera River. The CBD has water in it causing some concern to the local business people, and about 500 houses in town have water in them or advancing toward them.
Out here in the 5acre hobby farm area which used to be the original irrigation district of the area, houses are flooded, people are isolated and the local SES and other emergency services do not want to know us as they are too busy with the thousands of people in the town itself. Unfortunately we did have five houses go under out here, despite a mighty effort by the locals who all pitched in to help each other.
The constant sound of planes and helicopters both from the media and the authorities checking the state of the river and the flooding around us is background noise along with the sound of tractors as people work into the night to sandbag their houses or move their stock to higher ground or just help their neighbours.

The road into town!
 Meals are becoming interesting as we attempt to feed our own starving masses with limited food choices. We have food, just need to be creative with it to make it last while we wait to be able to go to town again which is not likely for the next couple of days. Meal times are also extemely flexible as we eat when the men come home from helping neighbours and last night tea was at midnight. (Breakfast today was 5.00am)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday...17 January 2011

I have spent a quiet day at home.
The other five people at this address however have been sandbagging from daylight till now!
Seems Horsham is having a 1 in 200 year flood.
Water to the left of us, water to the right, water behind us....
So far no water on this little patch of paradise but that could change. Several houses within coooeee of us  have water in or around them. Earth moving equipment, farm tractors, trailers and 4x4's have been going flat out all day trying to beat Mother Nature at her own game.
Even now I am being seranaded by the sound of water pumps. Guess the best I can hope for is no water or minimal levels. The men are concerned enough that they are off agiain to check the levels. Fingers crossed people.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday...16 January 2011

My birthday!
Pleasant day. Weather beautiful. Warm and sunny. What a shame that 1km down the road from us is water deep enough to come in the door of a 4x4 that is slightly higher than normal. Seems we will be staying home for the next day or so until the water peaks then eventually runs away. No suggestion as yet that it will impact on us directly. All are confident that we are too far away to get wet toes. Roads closed either side of us.
Dinner was of course yummy, baked by my own two hands. Stuffed potatoes are highly recommended for filling the stomachs of the never full teenagers.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday....15 January 2011

First up, Happy Birthday to my grandson Carter.
We have spent the day anxiously watching the water rise in the Wimmera River which is not very far from where we are parked at our daughters house in Horsham. Has kept us on our toes for the day but no water at our place yet, so fingers crossed we have missed the worst of it.
On a lighter note, it was daughters turn to cook tea tonite and I want the whole of Australia to know, SHE CHEATED! We had bought
Eagle Boys,a good selection followed by icecream on a stick....I rest my case, she cheated.
Tomorrow is my turn again and we will be having stuffed potatoes made from scratch by own delicate hands!!!! Will go to bed and dream what to cook for a truely outstanding dessert to accompany this masterpiece of culinary perfection.........
Weather today was glorious, sun shining, mild heat, bit steamy with all the water lying around but pleasant enough for them on  holiday with naught else to do.
Bring on tomorrow I am ready.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday...14 January 2011

Well despite the best efforts of wind and weather we are still dry inside our caravan. Waiting now for the Wimmera river to peak sometime tomorrow. Seems we have had about 5 inches of rain in the last few days and are downriver from Glenorchy and other places that needed to be evacuated today! We have seen a map of where the experts think the river will spread to and we are just outside of the shaded area, this means I am hoping they know what they are talking about as I cannot swim and feel now is not the time to be getting the sink or swim lessons!!! On the plus side the sun shone today so maybe we are going to begin summer soon.......

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday...13 January 2011

Rock n Roll n wobble..... Its blowing a gale, the van is rocking on its foundations, the wind is howling and the rain is pissing down. Come on now people, its the middle of January, I should  be bitching and bellyaching about the heat and how I cannot sleep. Instead I am worrying bout the water on the ground around the van, Keith has built me a little bridge for getting into the house from the van!! This is past being funny. Not even worthy of mention except in the absence of serious activity I must talk about the weather...Being a big worrier the only thing I  have left to worry about is the two gum trees we are parked under!!!!!!
Tea tonite was curried sausages, ultra yummy because it was not my turn to cook....but.....thank god for the wind blowing to carry the after effects away!!!!! Crikey you should hear this wind, noisy, best  hope it eases off before bedtime else no sleep for the noise. Helped a grandson with a jigsaw, watched the unfolding disaster in qld and watched the tennis, love the lazyness of January.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday...12 January 2011

Ok, so woke up this morning to find our van surrounded by water. Was a bit worried in case Kim put the rent up for the new waterfront views. Quiet day at home. Horsham had 150ml of rain and another 150 expected tonight or early tomorrow. Thats 12 inches of rain in a couple of days people. Soggy and boggy.
Various places out and around Horsham experiencing some flooding but so far all is well here. More when it happens, back to the cricket.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday...11 January 2011

OK who forgot to turn the tap off??? Bad enough it is pouring in QLD and flooding 75% of the state but now it is raining where I am (Horsham, Vic) and I am not happy Jan!
Has rained off and on all day and been bucketing down steadily now for an hour, and they keep tellling me that it will dump a couple of inches before it stops. Bloody heck, I already took a shower this morning........
Quiet day at home today. Nothing to report. Too wet to do anything. Too wet to go anywhere else!!!
Cindy and Steves wedding anniversary....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday...10 January 2011

Happy Birthday Reece!
What a difference a pair of scissors can make to your attitude and appearance. Got my hair cut today and I feel and look better. Have been putting up with dreadful hair while I grew out a bad cut.
Rained last night, blew a gale, thunder and lightning. Overcast today but not unbearable.
My turn to cook tea so did a honey soy chicken stir fry. Made a huge stockpot full and got just enough left over for one person for lunch tomorrow. Guess they  must have liked it. Better than throwing it out and wasting good food anyway.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday...9 January 2011

Golly BIL's birthday, but I did ring and not my fault he was not  home to receive his birthday call.Poor love was off fighting a fire at the hospital I was born at!  Seems the building I was born in which is now uninhabited burnt down today. What a shame. I also trained as a nurse at that hospital. Many years ago they built a nice new fancy hospital and moved lock stock and barrel to the next town a couple of miles down the road, but the old building continued for a few years as consultant rooms and physiotherapy rooms etc until it fell into disrepair and more recently the nursing home was converted into apartments. What a shame, a piece of my history gone..... Lets hope it was empty.
Did a bit of beading today. Not a lot else. Quiet day. Getting haircut tomorrow, yipeeeeeeee.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday...8 January 2011

Elvis's birthday! 
Muggy night last night, not unbearable but definately sweaty weather. Been promising to rain all day today but no result as yet. Cool change came in about 4pm. Be nice if it stays cool overnight.
Not a lot of activity again today. Been a bit achy these last couple of days.
Managed a trip into town and picked up a couple of nice tops.
Was trying to buy Aqualite but no one stocks it here. All I can get is little sachets of a different product to make 200ml at a time. Each Aqualite sachet makes 2 litres at a time!
Will let google find me a stockist and do a little online shopping I think. We have found that reqular intake of this product seems to prevent cramps. No doubt there are other products out there similar but we like the value of the 2 litres at a time.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday...7 January 2011

A special day today. 7 January was my dear dad's birthday. Spent most of the day in quiet contemplation. Had much to think on. Life is funny. Often I feel I am looking into a mirror as parts of my life repeat. One hopes the outcomes are always good ones. 
Too hot to do anything very active. Maybe tomorrow will have more to tell.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday...6 January 2011

As promised last night I spent the day cooking up a storm. Vanilla slice, Lemon slice, Apricot slice. This may keep the grandchildrens worms happy for at least two days. I have strongly recommended that they try to make it last, whilst I would be unhappy if they did  not eat my offerings I will be equally unhappy if they scoff the lot in five minutes flat.
All the male members of the household reported for work again today leaving me home alone to chat to the two dogs and one cat, and a few million grasshoppers. Couple more weeks the Victorian harvest will be finished too but how on earth they ever managed to bring a crop to the silos without himself to help in previous years is beyond him!! He helped with the NSW harvest and is now helping with the Vic one too. Just as well he is retired, he surely couldn't fit all this helping around a full time job.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday...5 January 2011

Got jolted awake before 7am this morning which I personally thought was a touch too early, but when one is confronted with a big big truck and an unhappy truck driver, I guess the obvious thing to do was to go back to bed!  Still I got up and showed my messy head outside the door to see what the go was. Turned out the son-in-law took off in his truck before the brakes had released on the back trailer and the wheels were dragging along instead of rolling along the ground and they ripped my water hose out of the ground and pulled the tap off the verandah post. As luck would  have it he did not rip the hose out of our caravan fitting! Most interesting start to the day!
Did some washing and then a grocery grab. Came home and cooked fried rice and marinated chicken wings for tea. Son-in-law  returned from work and let rip with the airhorn on the truck to get assorted pet dogs out of his way and his mother-in-law leap for the ceiling. We finished the night with son-in-law spraying for mosquitos in the kitchen and me asking if he was trying to kill me. I tend to cough a lot when aerosols are being used, I know, serves me right for smoking and puting holes in my lungs hey.....
Tomorrow by request I will be cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday...4 January 2011

Had a great time in Bendigo. Lovely to see all Keiths family again, well all the ones that live in that area anyway. Pleasant trip back to Horsham today, weather was good for travelling. Our thanks to Keiths brother for the accommodation while in Bendigo. It makes visiting easy when someone in the family owns his very own motel!!!
Back at Kims the dogs were pleased to see us (cupboard love, I give them treats!), the grasshoppers do not seem to have decreased in numbers while we were gone, but the mosquitos have thinned out a bit, probably died of malnutrition as I was not here to feed them either!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday...3 January 2011

Another quiet day. Went to lunch at Keiths sisters place. Got there by driving past his mothers old house. Had a lovely lunch and looked at the sisters humungous garden, acres of it, and of course very pretty. Lots of roses both bush and standards, laid amongst lots of mature trees. Really looking forward to our return to Bendigo as this is where we will be parking our caravan for a visit.
We came back to the motel past the cemetary where we paid our respects to Keiths mum and dad.
Tomorrow we should be returning to Horsham sometime in the afternoon.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday...2 January 2011

Still in Bendigo. BBQ tea last night but most of us in bed early to recover from the late night on New Years Eve. Quiet today,we are resting up. Keiths brothers birthday, so we are all (11) going out to the Marong pub for tea. Very social mob this lot. 
We were originally going back to Horsham tomorrow but I think Keith has decided to stay a couple of days longer. Hope my liver is up to it!!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saturday.... 1 January 2011

Ok another year done and dusted, a nice new fresh one started today.
Now to fill this nice new year with happy memories.
We are currently staying in Horsham with Kim, Stephen and the two grandsons but have travelled to Keiths home town, Bendigo, to celebrate the New Year with his brothers and sister and their families.  I went to bed last night/this morning at 3.00am and I believe the boys packed it in at 5.00am. By lunchtime we were all up and functioning again and none of us any the worse for the big night other than some residual tiredness.
Lets hope Mother Nature is done having her little foot stamping paddy and allows the weather to get back to something resembling normal for this time of the year.
A bit of sunshine just might help dry up all the water lying around the country and let the poor farmers complete what they can of their harvest.
We wish all our readers a happy and healthy New Year.